How to build a new & improved website–the quick & easy way
June 13th, 2015
There are key factors that can make a website stand well above the rest. It could be something as simple as a background change in the color schema or marketing on the right social media platform. Understanding search engine optimization (SEO), web design, marketing, video blogging and great content could make a huge difference in your website’s performance.
- Know the Basics of SEO and How to Use It Effectively. SEO involves a variety of tactics to get search engines to index your website so it shows up on internet searches. This can be achieved by wording keywords and phrases in a strategic and search engine-friendly way. For example, if a blog is about childcare, SEO practices may include using the words “childcare”, “daycare” or “preschool” in headings and subheadings throughout the website. Listed below are some great online tools to use to get top-performing keywords ideas in a niche:
- Google AdWords
- Google Webmaster Tools
- Bing Keyword Search Tool
- Web analytics tools with Blue Host (or any major web host)
- Keep the Website Design Simple and Readable. A recent Forbes magazine article about website design details many ways to make a website look more appealing. A basic tip to follow is to keep the background light and content dark. Websites with black content and white backgrounds are usually the best performers. In addition, the content itself should be concise, update to date, to the point and not small. If the audience has to squint to read content on a website, they may look elsewhere. Bulleted or numbered lists, slideshows and appealing, accompanying photos all make the difference in someone clicking on the website or not. Make sure that a contact page and social media links are easy to see and find.
- Utilize Key Web Metrics for Effective Web Marketing. Accessing webmaster analytic tools, Google Analytics or a similar metric service can be powerful in creating a web-marketing plan for a website. What search queries are used to find the website, who visits the website and how many visitors a website receives are basic measures in web analytics. Take this information and use it to cater to the individuals visiting the site. For example, going back to the childcare description used above, if analyses tell a web designer that many visitors are coming from countries like the USA, Spain and France, he or she may consider adding a plug-in to the website to translate the language into non-English dialects. Further analyses would show that visitors tend to have interests in child education, child fashion or early education programs. The designer could research other websites and forums to engage in dialog with users of similar interests.
- Utilize YouTube. People like their information quick and easy. It’s even better when they can see how to fix a problem. YouTube is the content king when it comes to how-to videos and before and after stories. YouTube provides instant gratification for users trying to research how to something will turn out before they attempt it on their own. And if they appreciate what they see, they will come back for more information. YouTube boasts more than 1 billion views a month, so chances are they are people looking for all types of unique issues. Some of the most popular types of YouTube videos include:
- How-To Videos
- Live Demonstrations
- Personal Journeys
- Entertainment (YouTube gets more viewers between the ages of 18-34 than cable)
- Update the Content Often. Stay ahead of the competition by staying up to date with the latest and greatest info in the website’s niche. Using the childcare example, if new educational regulations in daycare centers is trending news, then it should be on the website. This allows the website to stay competitive against the competition. More importantly, a website that is not updated may suffer a drop in search engine positions. As explained earlier, the content must be readable and to-the-point. Listing content in a bulleted or numbered order makes SEO tactics more effective as well.
Utilizing the SEO tips above could make a great difference in website performance. However, do not try to overkill with the keywords. Google and Bing will notice it and the website’s performance may suffer.